Thinking Out Faith
Incidental Writings on Books, Ideas, Theology and Culture

Monday, September 17, 2007

Intercessory Prayer 09-16-07

Dear heavenly Father, we have come together to repent. We have come together to worship. And now we come together with these humble requests.

We pray for your Church in all places and all manifestations. We repent for the missteps we have taken and will take - the many things done in your name that grieve you – and for all the divisions we create or maintain in Christ's body that ignore his own teaching of love and unity. We acknowledge we do not know how to undo what has been done, and seek your guidance and care to make our congregations and denominations the expression of church you would have us be. Lead us forward Lord, we do not know the way.

We pray that you would be with Church of the Servant, bless all of its ministries and its leadership, especially those newly installed to their posts. We also thank you for the service of those just leaving their posts.

Knowing that we can accomplish no good apart from you, we ask you to rule over us God. Transform our hearts to love what you love and hate what you hate. Help us to die to our own wills and selfish desires and breathe in us a new spirit of willing obedience, that your will may be done. Cause us as your body to bring the same blessing to others as you have brought to us so many times through this body.

We pray too, Lord, for the nations and peoples of the world. The world stage is so daunting to us. Here more than anywhere else we feel our individual and even collective powerlessness. Bring your will to bear. We pray that you will provoke those in positions of influence and leadership to feel the weight of their responsibilities and guide them to bring about your ends. Comfort us and all who are anxious with the knowledge that these things too are indeed in your hands.

We think most especially of the ongoing strife in Iraq. Even unaware as we are of the extent of the suffering there, we are confident that you feel it fully and are more deeply grieved by each lost life, each broken family, than a mother is by the loss of her child. Bring soldiers home safely. Shelter those caught between factions. Bless all who are in harms way.

We pray for those caught up by the awesome power of this earth: for those affected by the earthquakes in Indonesia, for those in the paths of hurricanes. We do not understand how this suffering can persist in the presence of your power and love. We submit ourselves to your will, but please Lord, come soon. Make these sufferings come untrue. [1]

We lift up again those in our local communities and those worldwide who suffer daily in ways that don't make the headlines. We pray for those who are incarcerated and their separated loved ones. We pray for those mired in poverty, trapped in addictions or crushed by illness. We know you are close to those who suffer. Kindle awareness of your presence in the hearts of those experiencing burdens in their everyday lives. Make us, your servants, aware of the ways you give us to be your agents each day. Show us the people you want us to show your love to.

We pray for all teachers and students just completing semesters or just embarking on new semesters in education, especially those away at school. Give them all alike minds on fire for knowledge of your world, the will to work diligently toward their goals and the vision to use their gifts wisely.

Be with Jana Vander Laan in her examination before Classis this week. Give her wisdom and guidance through the process, and give her examiners the gift of discernment in completing their task.

We pray for Josh Baron and family as they continue to seek your direction for their lives. Give them your peace and patience as they do.

We thank you for my own positive test results this week showing the containment of the cancer and be with me and my family as we finish any further treatment the doctors recommend. Be too, with Madeline Van Goor. Continue to be with her during her time of recovery.

We offer you these requests Lord, even more sure that you listen to our prayer, than that we really desire what we pray for. [2]


1. The phrase "come untrue" is used by Samwise Gamgee in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings.

2. Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 52, Question & Answer 129

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